Create your SCAC Church Management System Account (ChMS) and download your donation receipt

  • Register your ChMS account
    1. At the bottom of the ChMS login page, click “Sign up
    2. If you have an Google account, you can link your Google account with the ChMS, just click the “Google” red button
      1. If you have multiple Google account, select the one that you would like to link
      2. When your Google account is linked with ChMS successfully, you’ll be forwarded to a “My Profile” page to complete additional information. BUT PLEASE DON’T ENTER ANY INFORMATION AND LOGOUT.  YOU’LL RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM SCAC ADMINISTRATOR WHEN YOUR ACCOUNT IS READY.
    3. If you don’t have a Google Account or choose not to link your Google Account with the ChMS, please complete the form:
      1. Please use the email address that you used for updating your member information on the form.
      2. Please use your email address as your “Username”) and click “Create My Account
  • If an account is created successfully, you’ll be forwarded to your Homepage directly. PLEASE LOGOUT. YOU’LL RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM SCAC ADMINISTRATOR WHEN YOUR ACCOUNT IS READY.
  • Viewing/Download your donation receipt
    1. Once you received an email from SCAC Administrator, please logon to ChMS with your Google Account or your ChMS Account at or use the QR code above
    2. From the top of the Homepage, please click “My Giving” to view all your latest donation transaction, and you can also download the donation receipt (“Giving Statement”).
  • Enable “Two Factor Authentication” (This step is optional, but highly recommended)
    1. Logon to your ChMS account
    2. On the top right, click on your Name and select “Profile
    3. Click “Two Factor Authentication” under “Security” on the left hand menu
    4. Click “Get Started” and follow the instructions on the screen

Note: You can choose either Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.  Please download either one from the App Store

If you have any question or comment, please contact